

For Schools, Youth Groups and Adult Education Groups

Booking priority is given to groups who meet our mission and objectives. Other school, youth and adult education groups may book the centre if there is vacancy.

Please see our bookings calendar, then complete the booking form below. A booking form means you are committed to go ahead with the booking. Once your booking form has been received, we will confirm that the dates are in fact available and invoice you for your $500 deposit, which is payable within two weeks. Your booking is cancelled if the deposit is not received within 14 days, unless specific arrangement has been made with the Centre Manager.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on info@aoec.org.nz


Students/Children $18 per day/night ($20 per day/night as of the 1st January 2025)

Adults $20 per day/night

Rates are inclusive of 15% GST. A minimum charge of $500 applies for groups smaller than 25 occupants per day /night. A Public Holiday Surcharge Applies.


An additional charge of $1.20 per person per night/day applies to cover the cost of all consumables, now supplied by AOEC (previously supplied by lodge users)


You are required to book a $300 departure clean, for your final clean. This ensures that the facilities are kept at a high standard.


Unless special arrangements have been made with the Manager occupancy times are as follows:

Day Arrival Departure
Monday 8am  
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 1pm 12pm
Friday 4pm 12pm
Sunday   3pm latest


You can find our about the activities we offer here.


Name of Group/Occupier

Contact Name/ Group Leader

Overall Purpose of Visit

Estimated Numbers

(no more than 92 total)

Day Visitors



Pre-School Children

Age(s) of Students/Children

Occupation to commence on

Occupation to end on

Please note arrival and departure times stated above

Contact phone number of School/Organisation

Mobile number of Group Leader/Contact Person

Please list your possible activities to give us an indication of instructor needs

Postal address

Email address of Group Leader

Email address for Accounts

I agree that I need to book a departure clean

Do you require catering?

Checking this tickbox certifies that the terms and conditions shown below are agreed to.

Our Terms and Conditions

Bookings, Payment & Cancelation:
  • Once we received your booking form, we will confirm that the dates are in fact available and issue you with an invoice for a $500 Deposit. Your deposit is payable within 14 days. If the deposit has not been paid within 14 days, your booking is cancelled unless a specific arrangement has been made with the Centre Manager. Your deposit will be refunded with your final invoice on the day of your departure. PLEASE NOTE: There is a minimum charge of $500 to hire the centre/lodge per day /night
  • Public Holiday Surcharge: If your booking includes a Public Holiday, a $150 Public Holiday Surcharge is applicable, if you arrive or depart on the Public Holiday or if you require any instructors for this day.
  • We reserve the right to terminate any booking that does not comply with our Health, Safety and Environment Policies and Terms & Conditions. This includes unauthorised use or misuse of the challenge course and damage to the environment.
  • Consumables Charges: In the past lodge users had to bring all of their own consumables like cleaning solutions, dishwashing detergents, dish brushes, cleaning cloths, toilet paper, hand paper towels, hand soap, rubbish bags etc. In a bid to play a bigger part in environment care, as of the 1st July 2021, AOEC will provide all environment friendly consumables. A $1.20 per person per night/day charge applies.
  • Cancelation Policy: Your Deposit is not refundable if a booking is cancelled less than 3 months of intended occupation. For Public holiday weekends and official NZ school holiday weekends this is 6 months. If cancelation is made less than 2 months of booked dates, our minimum night fee of $500 per night booked is payable unless we can rebook those dates within 2 weeks of the booking. An administration fee of $100 will be imposed. If you have a repeat booking for every year or every second year, we require cancelation at least 6 months ahead of time.
  • Departure Clean: You are required to book a $300 departure clean, for your final clean. This ensures that the facilities are kept at a high standard.
  • Payment for occupation must be made by direct credit. An Invoice for your booking will be e-mailed to you after your stay and is payable within 14 days of Invoice/Departure.
1. Health & Safety
  • If COVID19 Community transmission is present, there will be an additional $150 COVID Sanitation Fee per booking.
  • Ensure you have read and implement the Health & Safety procedures outlined in the Hazard Register and in the Emergency Action Plan. A copy of these documents are also displayed at the Safety Station in the Lodge Kitchen. You can find copy of these documents on the Booking Information Tab.You will be asked to sign the Occupancy & Safety Log on your arrival.
  • Ensure that pursuant to the Fire and Evacuation of Buildings Regulations 1992, the Evacuation procedure for the A.O.E.C. is operational during the occupation. You can find this in our Emergency Action Plan. This is also available in every building.
  • All Accidents and Incidences must be recorded in the Occupancy and Safety Log or by completing an Accident/Incident Report Form
  • We reserve the right to terminate any booking that does not comply with our Health, Safety and Environment Policies and Terms & Conditions. This includes unauthorised use or misuse of the challenge course and damage to the environment.
  • Ensure you bring your own First Aid Kit.
2. Pre-Arrival
  • Please organise a pre-camp/event visit well ahead of time. We are unable to allow pre-camp viewings and visits while the lodge is occupied.
  • A Pre-event orientation is compulsory for any bookings where alcohol is likely to be consumed.
  • If you wish to book any AOEC Activities for your group or require an instructor for any of your activities, this has to be pre-booked with the manager at least 3 months ahead of time to ensure instructor availability. (further information about AOEC Activities and how to plan for your camp can be found here)
3. Arrival
  • Be sure that your estimated time of arrival is known by the manager a couple of days before your arrival.
  • The gate to the lodge is an automated gate. You will receive a unique gate code the week before your arrival. This code is valid from you arrival until your departure. Everyone in your group who is arriving by vehicle needs to have this pin. Be sure to allow sufficient time on your arrival for a Health & Safety brief and orientation from the manager.
4. During your Stay
  • No pets are permitted.
  • No open fires, brasseries or fire works are permitted on DOC land or on lodge grounds.
  • No firearms will be permitted on the property.
  • No smoking shall be permitted inside any buildings.
  • Please do not use the Challenge Course without authorisation. No Key = No Authorisation
  • Please make sure you minimise the impact on the environment at all times.
  • If alcohol will be consumed during your stay, please note that we have a Responsible Alcohol Consumption Policy. If alcohol will be consumed during your stay, this will need to be declared to AOEC Management when making a booking.
5. Departure
  • It’s is the responsibility of the occupant to remove all their rubbish on departure.
  • Buildings and grounds are to be left tidy. The refund of your deposit depends on this.
  • A Departure Clean is required on your departure. Please contact our manager to find out more.
6. Damages and breakages
  • All damages or breakages will need to be reported on the Occupancy and Safety Log or to the manager and AOEC will reserve the right to pass on associated costs to the booking holder.
  • The Occupier will indemnify the AOEC against all loss or damage resulting from damage to property or injury to persons occurring on AOEC property during occupancy. The occupier shall recompense the AOEC for all expenses incurred, in making good, any damage resulting from their occupancy.
  • Environment Damage will affect the refund of your deposit and further charges may apply.